High blood pressure (high blood pressure) is prevalent throughout the world. In our country, 40% of the adult population suffers from high blood pressure and only 21% are treated effectively.
Hypertension, essential hypertension, high blood pressure or high blood pressure?
Previously, the term hypertension was used in our country. For some time, in accordance with the criteria of the World Health Organization (WHO), the term arterial hypertension or high blood pressure has been used.
What is hypertension?
High blood pressure can be considered if your doctor records an increase in blood pressure during at least 3 blood pressure control measurements.
Normally, pressure values can fluctuate depending on a person's condition: increase during physical or psycho-emotional stress, decrease during sleep. However, the pressure returns to normal figures of 100/60 to 140/90.
Symptoms of hypertension
The main symptom of hypertension is headache. This is due to the narrowing and spasm of blood vessels in the brain. Also common symptoms of hypertension:
- Tinnitus
- Flying "flies" and a veil before the eyes
- General weakness
- Sleep problems
- Dizziness
- Feeling of heaviness in the head
- Palpitations
Such symptoms occur at an early stage of hypertension and are neurotic in nature. In later stages of hypertension, heart failure may occur due to constant overwork of the heart muscle due to high blood pressure.
Due to the progression of the pathological process, there may be a decrease in visual acuity, damage to the blood vessels of the brain due to high blood pressure, which in some cases can lead to paralysis, decreased sensitivitylimbs, due to vasospasm. , hemorrhage or thrombosis.
Causes of hypertension
If the cause of the increase in blood pressure is not established, it is called primary (essential) hypertension, or essential hypertension. The following elements play a role in its development:
- Hereditary predisposition
- Chronic stress
- Amount of salt consumed
- Low physical activity, etc.
- In women, the cause of hypertension may be the period of restructuring of the body during menopause.
The underlying cause is difficult to determine in any given case because most people with hypertension have multiple risk factors that contribute to high blood pressure.
Up to 5% of high blood pressure is secondary (symptomatic), that is to say caused by certain causes. Most often, renal pathology, endocrine pathology or abnormalities of large vessels lead to an increase in blood pressure.
Examination of patients is aimed at excluding secondary causes of high blood pressure, since these causes can sometimes be eliminated or require specific treatment.
In addition, the examination clarifies the changes in organs and systems caused by high blood pressure itself. High blood pressure leads to changes in the heart, kidneys, cerebral vessels and fundus vessels. This examination must be carried out regularly, at least once a year.
The level of high blood pressure and target organ damage determine the risk of developing cardiovascular complications. Depending on the degree of risk, treatment tactics are determined: from changes in lifestyle, diet and weight loss to the immediate start of drug treatment.
It's important to monitor your blood pressure not only when you see a doctor, but also on your own.
How to measure pressure?
How to measure blood pressure:
- Blood pressure should be measured at rest, after 5 minutes of rest, in a seated position.
- The tonometer cuff should be at heart level, its lower edge 2 cm above the elbow
- Blood pressure should be measured daily and recorded in a blood pressure diary.
Treatment of hypertension
A blood pressure control program includes lifestyle changes and drug treatment. Changing your lifestyle involves:
- Regular physical activity up to 30 minutes per day
- Low-calorie diet and weight loss
- Reduce salt intake
- Limit alcohol consumption
- Reduce the consumption of saturated fatty acids and foods high in cholesterol
- Increased fruit consumption
- Stop smoking
Drug treatment is prescribed immediately if blood pressure is high. Most patients need to take 2 or more medications.
Treatment of patients with high blood pressure is carried out continuously, since its cancellation will again lead to an increase in blood pressure.